
A great deal of care and attention has gone into the preparation of this website. We have made every effort to ensure that the information we provide is as complete, correct and current as possible. We cannot, however, be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that arises from using the site or any of the information made available on or accessed via the site.

We take the protection of personal details very seriously. Most information is freely available. In certain cases, personal information may be requested. Any information provided will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. Your personal details will only be collected and used to provide the information you request.

Any hyperlinks to other sites are included for your information and convenience, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content of these websites and sources of information or their continuing availability. All wallpapers and images on this website are the property of their rightful owners. If you are the owner of a wallpaper or an image located on this website and you can prove it, please contact us promptly so that we can provide you with the proper credit or just have the file removed.